  • The shows this year at the San Diego County Fair were fantastic! Thank you to all of our fans, friends and family who came out and rocked with us. :-) Love you! Keep posted for upcoming dates this fall. Have a great summer and happy 4th of July xox

  • **Update** WOW! We're competing in the Battle of the Bands at the San Diego County Fair on June 16, in addition to the two fantastic shows we have booked on the Coors Light Rock On Stage! The first show is on Saturday, June 3 at 3:30 - 5:00 pm, the BOTB is on Friday, June 16 from 2:00 - 6:00 pm, and the third is on Friday, June 30 at 6:00 - 7:30 pm. We know you can make it at least one of those dates! Click on the links to RSVP on our Facebook Event pages for each one.

    We'll have shirts and CDs available at the fair, but you can hit us up anytime for all your Merch needs.

    Check our full event schedule out, June's almost here!

  • It's near the end of February, spring is coming, the drought is over and we're ba-a-ackkkk! Welcoming Tim Fennell and Kevin Skahill to the Her Bed of Thorns lineup! Good times... good times indeed. Show announcements coming soon, stay tuned.

  • Thank you everyone for coming out to rock with us at the Del Mar Fair on June 29, 2016! We had a fantastic time performing for you and look forward to doing it again in 2017 :-)

  • Happy 2016! We're looking forward to another spectacularly rockin' year, continuing work on recording our second album and being up to our usual shenanigans :) Stay tuned... and turn it up!

  • 11/20 at the Brick by Brick and 11/28 at Swami's Cafe gigs were wonderful! Thanks to everyone who made it out. We wish you all a very safe and happy holiday season.

  • Check out our new Merch store & Support page! We've had a lot of people ask how they can support Her Bed of Thorns, particularly those who are out of town and are unable to attend our live shows. We have some great Her Bed of Thorns merchandise available for sale now, or you can send a donation in any amount. Our focus is on creating our second album, and all proceeds go towards this new endeavor! We thank you so much for all your continued support, encouragement and love. Long live rock and roll!

  • We had a most amazing time playing in Pomona at Characters Sports Bar on 6/6, and then on the Plaza Stage at Del Mar Fair on 6/11 and then again at the Gaslamp in Long Beach 6/18... yeah! Thanks to everyone who came out and supported Her Bed of Thorns, and who picked up new HBT t-shirts and CDs... you rock! Check out our image galleries to see photos from the shows.

  • Thanks to everyone who came out to the Jumping Turtle on 3/28! We had a blast!! Photos are posted on both Facebook and our gallery page. Videos of "Dirty" and "I.O.U." are on our YouTube channel too!

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Copyright © 2008-2017 Her Bed Of Thorns. All rights reserved.